Safety With COVID-19

COVID-19 Policy

Our Promise

  • Facemasks: All of our staff will wear facemasks during treatment and intake times. 

  • Sessions:

    • We will not be offering traditional massage therapy for our clients at this time.

      • Instead, we invite all of our clients to schedule Craniosacral Therapy sessions. Craniosacral Therapy is a light-touch therapy that works with the entire nervous system and can often create the benefits of a full-body massage by helping reduce the tone and tension in muscles. It can improve sleep quality, reduce anxiety, improve digestion, boost the immune system, and reduce pain. 

    • We will continue to offer our Visceral Manipulation and digestive care sessions, along with Craniosacral Therapy.

    • We will not be conducting intra-oral Craniosacral Therapy for the time being

  • Sheets and Fabric: To decrease the risk of infection, we will be removing sheets and cloth from our tables until further notice. Fabric can hold and carry pathogens, and at our current stage, we cannot adhere to the high guidelines set for clinics to keep sheets clean.

    • Clients will be allowed to use a coat, scarf, or small blanket to keep warm during treatment times. This must come and leave with you before and after your session. 

  • Treatment Room:

    • We will wipe down the treatment table between every session.

    • We will be washing our hands immediately before and after each session.

    • We will be wiping down high-trafficked surfaces as frequently as possible.

  • COVID-19 Pre-Screening: We have a digital COVID screening process and request that ALL appointments be cancelled if there is any sign of illness, particularly with a cough and fever. There will be no cancellation fee for appointments cancelled due to sickness.

    • All clients will be screened with a touchless thermometer

  • Sanitization: hand sanitizer will be available for all clients and therapists. 

Collaborating with You

  • Facemasks: We request that ALL clients coming to their appointment wear a facemask at all times

  • We ask that all clients wash their hands upon arrival and departure

  • Please sign our new client consent form regarding COVID-19 when you make your new appointment

    • Consent Agreement:“I understand that my name and contact information might be shared with the state health department in the event that a client or practitioner at this facility tests positive for COVID-19. My contact details will only be shared in the event they are relevant based on suspected exposure date, and only for appropriate follow-up by the health department.”

  • Please stay in your car until your therapist texts you to come in. 

  • Please be patient as we adjust to our new rhythms.

    • There may be times we are slow to respond to emails or have to change appointments for the purpose of safety.

    • We hope to minimize any disruptions but recognize that these are times where it's difficult to control what happens.

    • Because of our legal requirements to the state and as healthcare providers, we have high standards we are attempting to adjust to as quickly as possible.