18// I had a parasite: Update on the #1 Most Common Parasite for IBS
Have you ever sensed that something deeper was wrong with your body, but you just didn’t know what it was?
Have you ever been told by doctors that your labs look “normal” but you don’t feel normal?
If so, you are like me and HUNDREDS of other women.
In today’s episode, I go over that fact that this year, in 2020, I learned that I have a PARASITE in my body. And what happened when I KILLED that parasite.
I share with you all the AMAZING correlations between this parasite and IBS, how it is the #1 most common parasite to have with IBS, and what YOU can do to see if you, too, have a parasite affecting your health.
Other episodes mentioned in this episode:
Ep. 1 - My Story & How I Healed Myself from IBS
Ep. 2 - Why the Low FODMAP Diet Isn’t Healing Your Gut
Ep. 3 - Why Probiotics Aren’t Healing Your Gut
Other links from the show:
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