Posts tagged brain injuries
19// Destress NOW - 10 Ways to Reduce Stress During the Holidays

There is only one word that is as synonymous with the word Holidays as the word Joy: Stress.

Joy and stress. How do they always get put together?

In today’s episode, I use part of my framework for helping women get healthy and break down for you 10 simple, affordable ways you can reduce stress over the holidays.

My CHALLENGE for you: Choose 1 of these options and PUT IT IN YOUR CALENDAR.

Yup. That’s right. If it isn’t planned, it doesn’t happen. So time to pull out that calendar.

You ready to start de-stressing? Then hop on in to today’s episode!

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18// I had a parasite: Update on the #1 Most Common Parasite for IBS

Have you ever sensed that something deeper was wrong with your body, but you just didn’t know what it was?

Have you ever been told by doctors that your labs look “normal” but you don’t feel normal?

If so, you are like me and HUNDREDS of other women.

In today’s episode, I go over that fact that this year, in 2020, I learned that I have a PARASITE in my body. And what happened when I KILLED that parasite.

I share with you all the AMAZING correlations between this parasite and IBS, how it is the #1 most common parasite to have with IBS, and what YOU can do to see if you, too, have a parasite affecting your health.

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17// Finding Links in Your Labs to Guide Nutrition with Nutritionist Haleh Olsen MS, CN

Have you ever felt like in your diet was a puzzle piece you were trying to make fit - and just didn’t?

Have you ever felt that you weren’t sure what foods would get you the healthy results you want?

If so, you are not alone!

That is why I brought in my friend Haleh Olsen, Certified Nutritionist, to talk with us about food. Haleh has a less common skill among nutritionists, and that is - reading lab results.

Haleh has learned over years of experience how to read lab results and find holes in health to know exactly what nutrition will get therapeutic results for her clients.

Haleh has worked with patients with cancer, autoimmune disorders, and other forms of trauma such as traumatic brain injuries because SHE HERSELF has gone through that!

I am so excited for today’s episode and hope that you are inspired for more health in your life today!

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