Posts tagged holidays
22/ My #1 Wish For You in 2021

In 2021, we all need a little something EXTRA. 2020 was hard, and we need the energy and belief to come into 2021 expecting more.

That is why on today’s episode, I talk all about my #1 Wish for YOU this year - and that is - to BELIEVE for MORE. If you have IBS, Crohn's Disease, PMS, cramping, bloating, pain, insomnia, rashes, eczema, pain, foggyheadedness - this wish is applicable to you!

So yes. Spoiler alert. That is my wish. But to really dig into this wish, I hope you join for today’s episode and really sink into what it means for YOUR life to believe for more in 2021. You are NOT stuck with your sickness or your symptoms.

Are you ready? I am so excited. Jump on in!

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21// Struggling with hope in your health? Hear a Heartwarming Holiday Story About Overcome Insomnia, Chronic Pain, and Chronic Nausea - with My Client "Cee"

Happy Holidays!

It’s that time of year where everything is sparkling and special. And today, I want to bring ya’ll ANOTHER special story.

Cee is a performer, teacher, and has traveled for work for over 30 years! Cee has also been a client of mine since the summer of 2019. When she first came to me, she had been through three back surgeries, gallbladder removal, and seen the top doctors in the country from Mayo Clinic to Johns Hopkins University. She could barely walk due to shooting pain in her left leg, was struggling with constant nausea for over a decade, had joint pain, skin rashes, and extreme insomnia.

From 2019 to 2020, Cee’s life has completely turned around. She can now sleep through the night, do pilates, and eat food without getting any nausea. Her pain levels have also significantly dropped from where they were. AND - she’s even had symptoms go away that she NEVER told me about.

Cee and I have cried SO many times together over the wonder of her story, and today, she has agreed to share her story with ya'll. I am so, so grateful.
If you have been struggling with hope in your health, I hope that you are encouraged and touched by this episode today.

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20// Reflect on 2020, CELEBRATE, and Plan for 2021!

One of my FAVORITE parts of the end of the year is DREAMING for the new year.

And not only dreaming - but planning!

Today’s episode is all about encouraging ourselves as we reflect on 2020 and celebrating what you did this year for your health this year!

It is so common we go from year to year and only see all the ways we are LACKING, where we aren’t as healthy as we WANT to be. And we can miss all the places where we overcame. You overcame in your health this year! And it's time to reflect and CELEBRATE that!

So grab a journal or your phone and get ready to take notes, because today, we are going to DREAM!

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19// Destress NOW - 10 Ways to Reduce Stress During the Holidays

There is only one word that is as synonymous with the word Holidays as the word Joy: Stress.

Joy and stress. How do they always get put together?

In today’s episode, I use part of my framework for helping women get healthy and break down for you 10 simple, affordable ways you can reduce stress over the holidays.

My CHALLENGE for you: Choose 1 of these options and PUT IT IN YOUR CALENDAR.

Yup. That’s right. If it isn’t planned, it doesn’t happen. So time to pull out that calendar.

You ready to start de-stressing? Then hop on in to today’s episode!

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