Our Goal
At Better Belly Therapies, we guide people into data-drive, self-care from an informed stance to help our clients decrease food sensitivities and increase energy levels and quality of life!
What our clients have in common:
Tried many diets that don’t work to help with their symptoms
Have been to the doctor with no or few answers
Have been told they can’t get better
Have been diagnosed with acid reflux, IBS, or a digestion related autoimmune disorder
Have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, or an autoimmune disorder
Feel like they have lower energy than they used to, or want to have more energy than they do
Experience constipation, diarrhea, or both
We would LOVE to work with you to help you find freedom in your health!
What Makes US Different
We STOP the trial and error health coaching by using lab tests to identify vital voids in the body - hormone imbalance, intestinal inflammation and permeability, malabsorption and nutrition deficiency, and impaired detoxification.
DRESS for Health Success®
The body is naturally and innately able to heal itself, without needing to be told what to do. In our work, we don’t replace hormones or put you on a life-long restricted diet. Instead, we help you DISCOVER the right environment and provide support for your body to heal itself and return to it’s normal functioning. We do this by addressing five areas of health:
D - diet
R - rest
E - exercise
S - stress reduction
S - supplementation
We hand-tailor each area to your body’s needs and to your personality and created a Customized Health Plan for you to follow.
Our Favorite Part
Our favorite part of working with you is providing world-class, research-based coaching on positivity to help you discover the most life-bringing lifestyle and mindset for you and your body.
Our weekly talks will inspire you, educate you, and equip you to heal your body and change your life.
If you would like a list of our current packages, you can contact us at hello@betterbellytherapies.com, and we will email you a menu of our service options.
+ How does this compare to a doctor's visit?
1. We spend more time with you.
The average appointment is one hour long. We spend time getting to know YOU, your goals, history, and asking you questions as well as allowing you to ask US questions.
2. We look deeper.
The reason we exist is because most doctors never look deeper into WHY a symptom or condition is happening. Why is their adult acne? Why do you have severe PMS? We use labs that look deeper and a mindset that sees your body as one whole organism. All your symptoms are connected. It's our job to figure out why.
3. We empower you.
Our goal is that by the end of your time with us, you understand your body more and have clarity and confidence on how to maintain your health. We do this through taking time educating you on health principles that are NEVER covered by the doctor's office and rarely discussed in blogs, Youtube videos, or other internet sources (believe me, we've looked for it!).
+ Can I Use My Insurance to Pay?
Most insurances do not cover our services, however, many of our clients have been able to use their FSA's or HSA's to cover the cost our services. Contact your insurance provider to find out if our services are covered.
+ Is there a way to reduce cost?
At Better Belly Therapies, we never want cost to be a barrier to better health. To make our services more affordable, we offer payment plans to spread out the cost of your package over a period of time that works for you.
A discount of 5% off the total price of services is available for payments made in full.
+ Why does insurance not cover this health service?
That is a great question! We actually go over that answer in Episode 23 of our podcast, the Better Belly Podcast . Our podcast can be listened to on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts!
The short of the answer, though, is that insurance is designed to keep you alive, but not necessarily keep you healthy. Any health professional that bills insurance (such as your doctor, physical therapist, dentist, etc.) ends up serving the insurance more than serving you. At Better Belly Therapies, we are committed to serving YOU to get you real, long-lasting results.
+ How long will it take for me to see improvement?
On average, our clients typically see a 40-60% improvement in their symptoms the first two weeks of applying their customized health plan, and a 50-80% improvement by the third month.
+ What if my doctor says my labs look "normal"? Can you help me?
Yes! Doctors rarely run the labs that we run, as we are looking for the root cause of your symptoms and condition.
Many root causes of the body are hidden in the gut, including but not limited to: skin conditions, pain conditions, autoimmune conditions, fibromyalgia, IBS, foggyheadedness, fatigue, PMS/homrone imbalance, and mood disorders.
If we don't think we are the right fit for you, we will refer you to a health professional who we think can.
+ How are your labs different than the labs my doctor runs?
Another great question! Our labs are all "functional labs", which means that they are looking below the surface for the root cause of a symptom or condition. We also interpret labs differently than doctors, using a more optimal range to interpret blood chemistry and labs results.
If you have any labs you would like us to review, we would be happy to look over them in a Health Strategy Session.
+ Do you work with autoimmune disorders?
Yes! We have helped clients with Hashimotos, Ulcerative Colitis, Chron's Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Dysautonomia. If we are ever unsure of our ability to work with your condition, we will refer you out to a Functional Medicine Practitioner who can.
Schedule a Qualiyfing Call with us. There Allison will get to meet you and confirm if you are a good fit for our Foundations Program.
Please bring any important members to this call so that they also can be apart of your decision.