58// How to Stop Saying, "I don't have time for that," and Start Having Time for EVERYTHING You Value

Do you ever catch yourself saying, “I don’t have time for that”?

And, what is the thing you don’t have time for?

Is it a thing you do or don’t value?

Today, we’re talking about doing something truly extraordinary yet entirely achievable - making TIME!

Making time for things we value, that is.

So - what do YOU value?

Are you leading a life driven by those values?

Join me today for a heartfelt conversation about assessing your personal values, letting those values lead your calendar, forming boundaries, and finding the COURAGE to do what you value!

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57// My Top 5 Best and Worst Investments in My Health

Let’s face it - when it comes to taking care of your health, financial investments are part of the territory.

In health, the same as taking care of anything valuable, there are costs: money, time, and effort.

And the same as investing in anything else, you always AIM to find the diamond in the rough. Yet - sometimes all you get is a lemon!

We’ve spent several episodes now on the Better Belly Podcast diving into money mindset and why investing in our health can be so hard. One topic I’ve never really touched on is the ups and downs of investing in MY health. So, on today’s episode, I want to share with you the top 5 best and WORST investments I’ve made in my health!

I hope today’s episodes provides you with some laughs, comradery, courage, and maybe most importantly, some insight on how YOU can up your health investing game to get the most out of every decision - and avoid wasting your time and money on the bad ones.

Are you ready? Let’s jump in!

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56// What I've Been Doing in My Health Since My Miscarriage + Registration is OPEN!!

According to research, 10-15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.

That means that for about every 1 in 10 pregnancies, one ends up in miscarriage.

It, however, does not mean that 1 in 10 women will experience a miscarriage. As of now in the US, 80% of child-bearing women have more than one child. So - while 1 in 10 of known pregnancies end in miscarriage, researchers estimate that as many as 1 in 3 women have a miscarriage.

With that in mind, I knew that the moment that I experienced my miscarriage this January, I didn’t want to keep it a secret.

On today’s episode, I’m going to share what I’ve been doing in my health since my miscarriage, and steps I’ve taken to shed any light I could find on clues my body was giving me about its health.

Whether or not you’ve had a miscarriage, or ever want to be pregnant, my goal on today’s episode is to share with you about the power you can have in you health when your body breaks down in a way that you weren’t expecting it to and you don’t know how to respond.

Also - Registration for Blood Lab Bootcamp is now OPEN!

There's only 25 slots for participants this time around, so if you want to take control of your health and discover the next steps in your health through being able to read your own blood labs and finding what your doctor missed (and they did miss something!), register now!

Registration closes for Blood Lab Bootcamp when the course fills OR on Sept. 8.

And, as a reminder, this course will NEVER be this price again. It is a total steal because I want as MANY people to be able to join as possible. Now is the time to get this course!

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55// The One and Only Question You Need to Ask to Know If You Have a Gut Pathogen

There’s ONE question to ask to know if you have a pathogen.

This question is a good litmus test if you're wondering if you have a parasite, bacterial overgrowth, H. Pylori, Candida, C. Diff., or even the infamous Blastocystis Hominis.

Have I, to the best of my ability and knowledge, done all the right things to make myself feel better, but don’t feel better?

That’s it.

If, despite ALL the things you’ve done, you don’t feel better - there’s probably something invisible going on.

If you’ve answered YES to this episode’s question, tune in! Let’s break down specific things you may be doing or have done for your health and where to look next!

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54// Health is a Hero's Journey + Join the Blood Lab Bootcamp WAITLIST!

A hero begins their journey without all the answers. They usually have just a problem and a dream to solve that problem.

If they had the tools and the power to solve that problem in chapter 1, it would make for a very short book! The problem would be solved, and our hero would go back to their life.

The truth is, the hero story resides in our hearts because we identify with the hero when we have a problem that can’t be solved.

Today’s episode, I want to dive into the elements in different stages of the hero’s journey. Those stages align 100% with the stages in the health journey.

Creating this episode gave me a lot of encouragement, even as somebody who is further along in her health journey. It shows me where I’ve come from, where I’m going, what I have accomplished to get where I’m at, and how much further I have to go. I hope on today’s episode you find the same encouragement!

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53// How I Work with My Clients (+ ANNOUNCEMENT!!)

Do you want to know how I work with my clients?

What does it ACTUALLY look like?

How is what we do different from working with a nutritionist or doctor?

How long does it take?

And more importantly - what results can be expected?

We cover this and more in today's episode!

I'll be sharing the uniqueness of our labs, protocol, and coaching!

Our work is designed for:

  • Women

  • Answer seekers

  • Those who are sick of DIYing it

  • Self starters

  • The courageous (Fear is natural, but so is courage!)

Ultimately, working with me is a partnership! A coach can’t run the race for the athlete. But they can map the path to success!

Announcement! In honor of The Better Belly Podcast's 1st year ANNIVERSARY, I have designed a special course: How to read your own blood chemistry like a functional health expert.

This is an OPPORTUNITY to:

  • Work with me

  • Learn how to read your own labs, for LIFE!

  • Find out what your doctors missed

  • Get clarity on your next steps to vibrant health

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52// 10 Things to Consider Before Starting a Heavy Metal Detox

I recently had a friend of mine tell me that she had bought a product to detox heavy metals in her body.

Our conversation reminded me of the importance of an episode on heavy metals and things to know BEFORE detoxing them!

So, WHO needs a heavy metal detox?


Prior to jumping into a heavy metal detox, this episode is here to inform you of the caveats and prerequisites to detoxing metals from the body.

Specific people who may be carrying heavy metals include those who have:

  • Taken any form of hormonal or copper birth control

    • Pill, IUD, etc.

  • Mothers who were on the pill or hormonal/copper birth control prior to your conception

  • Had gallbladder removed

  • Used deodorant with aluminum in it

  • Eaten food that has been cooked in, or stored in aluminum foil

  • Drank/still drink unfiltered water (this includes Brita filter users - we’ll get into why)

  • Used plastic to store food

  • Chronically low calcium or potassium

This episode is highly informative on metals, and it is my hope that you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed recording it! Remember to give it time and be gentle.

Healing is a journey, not an event!

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51// How to Stop the Cycle of Trying Harder In Your Health

Have you ever said this to yourself or to a friend?

  • Despite all my efforts, I feel worse and worse.

  • I’m doing “all the right things,” and no matter what - I don’t feel better

  • Before all this - exercise and being intentional with my diet made me feel better. Now - it has NO impact or makes me feel worse.

If so, you are like many of my clients. These are things that I REGULARLY hear when I start working with my clients. Once you get sick enough, there seems to be no correlation between effort and results. Yet - we’re tempted to either work even harder in our health or just give up completely (because hey, it’s not helping anyways).

However, It is EXACTLY this lack of correlation between effort and results that is a major sign that you may be working against yourself. There IS a better way. You actually are allowed to give up things to go up in health!

On today’s episode, I’m going to be describing exactly how and WHY simplifying life can actually make you feel and become healthier.

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50// Why the Elimination Diet Isn't Healing Your Gut

Have you been put on an elimination diet?

Are you unable to reintroduce foods (no matter how long you’ve been on your diet) without your symptoms flaring up?

Do you feel your symptoms flare up even when you’re being strict with your diet?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, tune in!

Elimination diets like the Low FODMAP diet, Low Histamine diet, Elemental diet (SIBO), and others are designed to reduce symptoms, but there are deeper factors you may need to look at.

We’re going to discuss WHY your elimination diet isn’t working, and what you can look into next to bring real, deep healing to your gut and your body!

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49// 9 Reasons Why Your Supplements Aren't Working

Are you taking supplements, and you feel like they’re not working?

Have you jumped from one supplement to another, wondering if you’ll start to feel better if you just get the right brand or the right herb that you haven’t tried yet?

Have you been recommended by your doctor to take supplements (such as calcium, B12, iron, or Vitamin D due to being low)? Yet your numbers are barely budging and you don’t feel any different?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, today’s episode is for YOU!

Let’s go over 9 reasons why your supplements aren’t working, and give you an idea of what you can look into next to make sure that the time, energy, and money you’re putting into supplements is, in fact, worth it.

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BONUS: Client Testimonial from Addy - From Constipation, Bloating, Gas, and Fatigue to Energy, Confidence, and Freedom.
48// Got snoring, sleep apnea, TMJ, or teeth grinding? You may need an Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist! - with Madison Scott, RDH, Myofunctional Therapist

We just concluded a series of episodes on ways the gut is connected to other parts of the body: the Gut-Skin, Gut-Breath, and Gut-Sinus connections.

In honor of the Gut-Sinus connection, I wanted to bring in an EXPERT in the orofacial complex: Madison Scott, RDH, Myofunctional Therapist!

Myofunctional therapy is a treatment that examines how the tongue and oral muscles move and function, utilizing exercises to improve muscle tone and therapies to change habits.

You may be benefit from this therapy if you experience:

  • Mouth breathing

  • Headaches

  • Neck pain

  • GERD

  • TMJ pain

  • Thumb sucking, nail-biting, or other habits

  • Issues with tongue posture

  • Sleep Apnea and/or Snoring

  • Tongue tie

If this sounds like you (or one of your kiddos) tune in to learn about the importance of a healthy orofacial complex and what you can do to bring it back into harmony!

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47// The Gut-Sinus Connection: How Sinusitis, Seasonal Allergies, and Chronic Post-Nasal Drip May Be Connected to Your Gut

Today, we begin part one of our Gut Connection series! We’ll explore three different gut connections over the next weeks: skin, breath, and sinus.

Our gut and skin are deeply intertwined. To heal the skin, the gut needs to be healthy. If you’re healing your gut, you may have already noticed skin improvements!

From hormones to toxins, we’ll dive into what connects and influences both organs in this episode AND how you can begin healing your skin from the inside out.

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46// The Gut-Breath Connection: How asthma, heart palpitations, constipation, IBS, and acid reflux are ALL connected

Today, we begin part one of our Gut Connection series! We’ll explore three different gut connections over the next weeks: skin, breath, and sinus.

Our gut and skin are deeply intertwined. To heal the skin, the gut needs to be healthy. If you’re healing your gut, you may have already noticed skin improvements!

From hormones to toxins, we’ll dive into what connects and influences both organs in this episode AND how you can begin healing your skin from the inside out.

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45// The Gut-Skin Connection: Is your gut flaring up your skin?

Today, we begin part one of our Gut Connection series! We’ll explore three different gut connections over the next weeks: skin, breath, and sinus.

Our gut and skin are deeply intertwined. To heal the skin, the gut needs to be healthy. If you’re healing your gut, you may have already noticed skin improvements!

From hormones to toxins, we’ll dive into what connects and influences both organs in this episode AND how you can begin healing your skin from the inside out.

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44// Quiet Mental Chaos with Meditation

Last week’s episode, I discussed the anatomy behind brain toxicity and ways to reduce toxins.

One of the methods to reduce brain toxicity needed its own episode: MEDITATION!

Meditation is the ultimate freebie for reducing brain toxicity! No tools are required and it can be done almost anywhere or anytime.

Meditation assists in reducing brain toxicity by:

  • Reducing brain static (the activity of neurons)

  • Practicing a “quieter mind” - literally

  • Momentarily decreasing neuron’s metabolic toxin output

  • Impacting how hard cerebrospinal fluid has to work

  • Reducing toxic load in brain

  • Improving clarity, focus, and calm

  • Reducing brain fog

  • Lowering anxiety

This episode is filled with techniques and tips to help you in creating (or refining) your own meditation practice. Are you ready to begin?

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43// How to Reduce Brain Toxicity for Better Focus, Lower Anxiety, and Clearer Thinking

Brain toxicity: What does it look like?

Symptoms of brain toxicity:

  • Fatigue

  • Moodiness

  • Memory problems

  • Difficulty focusing (ADD/ADHD)

  • Speech/language problems (Autism)

  • Mood disorders (OCD, depression, etc.)

  • Stiff, uncoordinated muscles (Demyelination. More severely: Multiple sclerosis, ALS, or other diseases)

  • Neurodegenerative diseases (such as Dementia/Alzheimers)

Do you experience any of those symptoms?

Let’s go over the physiology: how we intake toxins, how we absorb them, and ways that our bodies struggle to excrete them.

I also share six things you can do to begin healing!

Of the things I want to share, one is a freebie: MEDITATION!

While meditation won’t cure a condition, it is a powerful tool to use in reducing brain toxicity!

Are you ready to dive into today’s episode? Let’s get started!

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42// 6 Secrets Your Sleep Can Tell You About Your Gut

Does sleep elude you?

Often, we are told if we improve sleep hygiene or reduce stress, our sleep will improve.

This episode, I want to let you in on a secret:

It’s not your lack of willpower getting in the way of better sleep. It’s your GUT!

Join me to learn how to learn what your sleep patterns are telling you!

Different sleep issues show us signs of dysfunction in the gut related to:

  • Systemic inflammation

  • Thyroid function

  • Cortisol levels

  • Liver function

  • Melatonin production

Say goodbye to night sweats, trouble falling or staying asleep, waking up in the night, or anything in between!

With a little detective work, you can have a better night’s sleep - consistently!

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41// Do you have anxiety, depression, or ADHD? Here's one reason to check your gut.

Do you struggle with anxiety, depression, or difficulty focusing?

Have you been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD?

Do you experience feelings of sadness for seemingly no reason?

Are you gaining weight, or not losing it, despite working out and eating healthy?

If you are, you may be being impacted by a specific pathogen in the gut called Clostridium Difficile, or for short, C. Diff. This bacterium can impact your neurotransmitter balance and impact your mood, focus, and weight loss.

How do you know if you have C. Diff.? Where does it come from? How does it unbalance your neurotransmitters in your brain? And how do you get rid of it?

We’ll be discussing this and more on today’s episode. It’s time to reveal more about the connection of the gut to the brain!

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40// Reduce Acid Reflux with the Magic Power of Zinc

LOW stomach acid is the most common cause of acid reflux in clients that I work with.

Yes, LOW stomach acid can create acid reflux as much (or more) than high stomach acid!

Why? Low stomach acid affects food breakdown AND stomach function.

Low stomach acid symptoms:

  • Acid reflux

  • Seeing chunks of food in stool

  • Bloating

  • Smelly gas

  • Quick feelings of fullness

  • Fatigue

  • Weakness when working out

Does this sound like you?

If so, tune in! We’re going to dive into some anatomy, how we create stomach acid, signs of a zinc deficiency, and HOW zinc can help reduce symptoms of acid reflux!

This episode, I’ll also share two home tests and ways to work with your health practitioner!

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