According to research, 10-15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.
That means that for about every 1 in 10 pregnancies, one ends up in miscarriage.
It, however, does not mean that 1 in 10 women will experience a miscarriage. As of now in the US, 80% of child-bearing women have more than one child. So - while 1 in 10 of known pregnancies end in miscarriage, researchers estimate that as many as 1 in 3 women have a miscarriage.
With that in mind, I knew that the moment that I experienced my miscarriage this January, I didn’t want to keep it a secret.
On today’s episode, I’m going to share what I’ve been doing in my health since my miscarriage, and steps I’ve taken to shed any light I could find on clues my body was giving me about its health.
Whether or not you’ve had a miscarriage, or ever want to be pregnant, my goal on today’s episode is to share with you about the power you can have in you health when your body breaks down in a way that you weren’t expecting it to and you don’t know how to respond.
Also - Registration for Blood Lab Bootcamp is now OPEN!
There's only 25 slots for participants this time around, so if you want to take control of your health and discover the next steps in your health through being able to read your own blood labs and finding what your doctor missed (and they did miss something!), register now!
Registration closes for Blood Lab Bootcamp when the course fills OR on Sept. 8.
And, as a reminder, this course will NEVER be this price again. It is a total steal because I want as MANY people to be able to join as possible. Now is the time to get this course!
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