39// Why Our Clients Get Such Amazing Results

Why do our clients get such good results? What do we do differently?

Lately, I’ve been getting these questions a LOT. After pondering the answers, I’m here today to share them with you!

Some key things? We don’t use insurance, we invest TIME with our clients, and we get creative!

I’ll go in depth about things we do (or don’t do) and WHY.

But - this isn’t just about what we do. It’s about WHO we do it for.

Tune in to learn what traits clients of Better Belly Therapies have in common and the transformations they’ve gone through!

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38// 4 Reasons Saying "I Should" Is Keeping You Sick

This episode, let’s talk about the mental component of health!

By no means is every sickness coming from the mind, but also, the mind - including subconscious processes and emotions - cannot be extricated from ANY experience of the body, be it pain or pleasure, sickness or health, success or failure.

I encourage you to always seek a happier, healthier mindset even as you seek a happier, and healthier, body.

If you haven’t gotten better. If you have spent thousands of dollars trying to find the root cause of your health problems, if you truly want to live a vibrant life and learn new ways to engage with yourself and the world - press in. Listen. Give yourself grace. And KEEP LOOKING.

Don’t stop … Don’t stop… DON’T stop looking for answers.

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37// Is Guilt or Shame Holding You Back in Your Health? - with Raina LaGrand, LMSW, MPH, CYT

Joining me on the podcast today is Raina LaGrand, LMSW, MPH, CYT.

Raina is a somatic therapist, coach, and educator living in Ypsilanti, MI. ⁠⁠Her perspective on somatics includes responding to the ways trauma & oppression shape our experiences and capacity to thrive. She believes individual and societal transformation is made possible when we center bodies, pleasure, relationships, and culture in healing.⁠ Through her work, she seeks to support others in living fully with presence and agency.

After living with a stable fracture of a vertebrae for up to 10 years, Raina was experiencing pain that interfered with her daily life. Raina realized she couldn’t pursue healing without money. Acupuncture, chiropractic care, craniosacral therapy, and even CBD oil - things not covered by insurance all add up.

For Raina, she has been working through multiple layers of mindset to come to a point of being alright with investing in her health. I love what she says in the middle of the episode: “By making my life accessible to others, I was becoming in-accessible to myself.”

You may not be in a helping profession like Raina, but we ALL have a reason in our mind for why we can’t spend money on ourselves to work through.

Raina shares a freebie IN EPISODE, a somatic practice centered around letting go of shame or guilt surrounding your money mindset. After the guided somatic practice: journal, meditate, comment or DM us on instagram, or talk to a loved one!

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36// How to Choose The Best Chiropractor with Dr. Zach Simkins and Dr. Tygue Arvidson

We’ve been discussing when and how to find a GOOD health practitioner.

So, how do you find a GOOD chiropractor?

Joining me on the podcast today to answer this question are two good chiropractors and great storytellers, Dr. Zach Simpkins and Dr. Tygue Arvidson!

At their clinic, Foundation Chiropractic, they start from the feet and work their way up - spines don’t exist in a vacuum, they are part of a WHOLE person. They understand the neuromusculoskeletal system and the importance of giving their clients exercises to further progress.

We’ll compare practitioner focused vs. patient focused practices, the importance of having a network, and the value of listening to our clients!

Don’t miss out on this fun episode and the great advice Dr. Zack and Dr. Tygue impart for finding a good chiropractor!

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35// Get Rid of Your Abdominal Pain, Joint Pain, and Fatigue, Lose 10 lbs., and Feel Better Than Ever - Client Testimonial from Dessie

I’d like to share something special with you: a LIVE recording of a three month follow up call with one of my clients!

My client, Dessie, kindly allowed me to record her call to share her progress with YOU!

Starting this process, her top three complaints were upper abdominal pain, joint pain, and fatigue. (Plus a slew of other symptoms that improved, as well!)

She saw a 70% improvement in three weeks, and has maintained that level of improvement for three months!

Her journey offers insight into what it looks like when the body detoxes, fluctuations in the body during healing, and what it can be like to begin reintroducing foods!

Join us to gain insight into the process of working with a functional practitioner!

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34// Your Money Mindset is Holding You Back in Your Health

Today, we’re talking about MONEY MINDSET!

This topic can be awkward to discuss, but is deeply intertwined with our health.

If you feel repelled or your head is swimming at the thought of thinking about money - HOLD tight!

This conversation is a gentle and loving one - we even have talking points and homework to take home!

Be sure to also tune in to last week’s episode (linked below). Finding the right health practitioner goes hand in hand with money mindset!

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33// How to Know It's Time to Get Help + How to Find a GOOD Health Practitioner

Let’s dive into two crucial steps on the path to healing:

  • How to know it’s time for help.

  • How to CHOOSE help!

Shame, discouragement, a self-blaming mindset, and many other patterns can arise when we don’t get to the root cause of a health problem.

Not to mention the information overload searching for answers brings about!

When you want a solution that works you need an expert - there are some things you can’t DIY in health!

Finding your ideal practitioner is WORTH it! Learn how to find yours today!

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32// The 5 Phases to Unlimited Health

Today, I invite you to learn about a tool I created for my clients!

I WISH I had this for myself in 2015 when I started my journey.

When I first started my health journey, I didn't know how I had gotten to where I was or where to go from there. I didn’t know what path to take!

I spent years floundering and feeling confused overall about where I was in the healing journey.

This training breaks down the five phases within each journey.

Each phase contains identifiers, possible blocks, strategies to MOVE forward, needs within the phase, and dangers you may come across that would cause regression.

What phase are you currently in? Where do you need to go from here?

Tune in to find out!

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31// Why Your Doctor Says Your Labs Look "Normal" - Even When You Don't FEEL Normal

Your doctor shares your lab results with the news that they are… NORMAL!

You don’t FEEL normal, so what does that mean?

These “Normal” lab results were compared to a lab’s reference range.

The problem with this reference range?

The average is comprised of ALL the people a specific lab has ever sampled.

The range is NOT filtered for if these people were healthy or feeling good.

Today, let’s dive into “Normal” vs. “Functional” labs and the importance of testing NOT guessing!

Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the wild world of labs, and learn how to use your labs to understand your health!

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30// Overcome Fear of Food with Alisha Carlson, Non-Diet Lifestyle Coach

Raise your hand if…

  • You have fears surrounding food.

  • Diet and exercise are a source of frustration.

  • You struggle with body-image.

  • The scale in your bathroom is a source of stress.

  • You fear the scale, so you don’t have one!

  • Your struggles are also health related.

Having a dysbiotic gut microbiome or unbalanced hormones make bodies MORE prone to weight problems. It has nothing to do with willpower, values, or abilities!

If any of those points sound like YOU, tune in for an uplifting episode on body mindset with Alisha Carlson, Non-Diet Lifestyle Coach.

Alisha is passionate about helping her clients reframe their body image mindsets, as well as their views on food and exercise. She works from a non-diet perspective that allows clients to experience more freedom, more time and energy, and show up more fully in life!

My hope for you, after hearing this episode, is that you hold on to the belief that you have a CHOICE in what you believe about your body! Your body mindset belongs to YOU!

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29// Celiac Disease, Concussions, and Colonoscopies with Joey Miller, Certified Gastroenterolgy Nurse

Have you ever gotten a colonoscopy?

Have you ever gotten an endoscopy?

If you have ever been diagnosed with or have gone to your doctor for any GI problem, it is very likely that you have been asked to get one of these procedures with a specialist.

Today’s episode is a conversation with Certified Gastroenterology Nurse, Joey Miller!

Joey spends all day looking at colonoscopies, but is NOT your average gastroenterology nurse. She has celiac disease, lyme disease, and has had multiple concussions!

Joey sought out Craniosacral Therapy for the concussions and from there learned all about the connection from the brain to the gut.

Tune in to hear all about Joey’s work and learn more ways to help your gut BEYOND a colonoscopy!

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28// The Best Talk Therapy to Help Your Gut - with Brenda Aufderhar, RN, LMSW, CST-D

Today, join me for a conversation with Brenda Aufderhar RN, LCSW, CST-D!

Brenda’s journey started as a mom trying to find help for her cerebral palsy child! Brenda found Craniosacral Therapy and wanted to learn how treatment was helping her son. A lifelong learner, Brenda attended courses for CST and went on to get her master’s degree in social work! This led to integrating talk therapy with CST.

We’re going to discuss trauma, Internal Family Systems and so much more!

Internal Family Systems? What ARE those??

Internal Family Systems are within each of us. Opposing parts inside a person want to control behavior Learning to have a relationship with those parts can change and put a person more in charge of their behavior and awareness of their inner world.

IF YOU have had talk therapy for anxiety, your gut, to process trauma, or life changes - this episode is FOR YOU.

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27// How to Use the Hospital and Holistic Healthcare TOGETHER: A Case Study on my Recent Miscarriage

People don’t often hear REAL health stories. This aspect of health is somehow taboo! In reality, these stories happen every day, all the time.

Maybe this isn’t a story that directly relates to you. If that is the case, I would encourage you to view this as more than just a story about my miscarriage. This is a story about having a health problem, trying to find answers through conventional and holistic healthcare, and what that means moving forward!

One takeaway I hope you leave with is to KEEP looking for answers.s happen every day, all the time.

Maybe this isn’t a story that directly relates to you. I would encourage you to view this as more than just a story about my miscarriage. This is a story about having a health problem, trying to find answers through conventional and holistic healthcare, and what that means moving forward!

One takeaway I hope you leave with is to KEEP looking for answers.

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26// Is your period out of whack?! 3 Pathways that Link Gut Health to Hormonal Health - with Sophie Shepherd FDN-P

Are your hormonal cycles short? Does PMS or your period take you out every month, causing you to dread the arrival of your period? Or do you not get a period at all?

Do you get migraines/headaches around your period or ovulation? Are your energy levels the WORST around your period? Are your mood swings off the charts?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, tune in to hear from Sophie Shepherd! She is an FDN, like myself, and the creator of SHE Talks Health Podcast. After going through Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Leaky Gut, SIBO, Yeast Overgrowth and hormonal imbalances she learned how to help her body heal from the inside out and got control of both her gut AND her hormones.

Sophie is an EXPERT in hormone health. Her passion is to educate and empower women on the superpower that is the menstrual cycle! Sophie gives women tools they need to change their lifestyle and diet in order to live an abundant life.

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25// Histamines: A Possible Cause of Your Diarrhea, IBS, Fatigue, Insomnia, Irregular Menstruation, and More! - with Isabel Smith RD

Do you suffer from allergies?

Do you frequently take over the counter antihistamines?

Do you have symptoms that don’t feel ‘connected’?

Symptoms such as: rashes, clogged sinuses, diarrhea, constipation, chest tightness, insomnia, restless legs, anxiety, swelling, body heat, hives, migraines or headaches, GERD, or irregular periods.

Have you ever thought, “This doesn’t apply to me! I poop, A LOT!” while listening to previous episodes about constipation?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, tune in for a conversation on HISTAMINES with Isabel Smith, MS RD CDN!

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24// Got Acid Reflux? No Problem! 5 Things to Consider to Heal Your Acid Reflux - Without Pharmaceuticals!

Have you ever been to the doctor and they didn’t have answers for your symptoms?

Have you ever been given medications or suggestions by doctors that made your condition worse?

On today’s episode, our guest Katharina had this EXACT experience causing her to reach out to me. Katharina recently had a severe onset of acid reflux, reduced appetite, and pain - and this episode shares EVERYTHING I had to share with Katharina.

If you are struggling with acid reflux, quick feelings of fullness, or pain - this episode is for you!

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23// 3 Reasons We Struggle Investing In Our Health - and What Could Happen If You Don't

Have you ever wanted to get better in your health, but found yourself STUCK staring at the cost of investment?

Have you ever been frustrated with insurance and what it does and doesn’t cover?

Have you ever felt the health system was working against you, or you just preferred to spend your money on a couch, a car, or a house rather than your body and health?

If so - you are not alone!

In today’s episode, join me in a bit of a history and mindset trip on WHY it is so hard for many of us to invest in our health, HOW insurance was built to work (and not work), and WHAT may happen if you DON’T invest in your health.

It’s all about the numbers in today’s episode. Are you ready? Let’s get going!

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22/ My #1 Wish For You in 2021

In 2021, we all need a little something EXTRA. 2020 was hard, and we need the energy and belief to come into 2021 expecting more.

That is why on today’s episode, I talk all about my #1 Wish for YOU this year - and that is - to BELIEVE for MORE. If you have IBS, Crohn's Disease, PMS, cramping, bloating, pain, insomnia, rashes, eczema, pain, foggyheadedness - this wish is applicable to you!

So yes. Spoiler alert. That is my wish. But to really dig into this wish, I hope you join for today’s episode and really sink into what it means for YOUR life to believe for more in 2021. You are NOT stuck with your sickness or your symptoms.

Are you ready? I am so excited. Jump on in!

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21// Struggling with hope in your health? Hear a Heartwarming Holiday Story About Overcome Insomnia, Chronic Pain, and Chronic Nausea - with My Client "Cee"

Happy Holidays!

It’s that time of year where everything is sparkling and special. And today, I want to bring ya’ll ANOTHER special story.

Cee is a performer, teacher, and has traveled for work for over 30 years! Cee has also been a client of mine since the summer of 2019. When she first came to me, she had been through three back surgeries, gallbladder removal, and seen the top doctors in the country from Mayo Clinic to Johns Hopkins University. She could barely walk due to shooting pain in her left leg, was struggling with constant nausea for over a decade, had joint pain, skin rashes, and extreme insomnia.

From 2019 to 2020, Cee’s life has completely turned around. She can now sleep through the night, do pilates, and eat food without getting any nausea. Her pain levels have also significantly dropped from where they were. AND - she’s even had symptoms go away that she NEVER told me about.

Cee and I have cried SO many times together over the wonder of her story, and today, she has agreed to share her story with ya'll. I am so, so grateful.
If you have been struggling with hope in your health, I hope that you are encouraged and touched by this episode today.

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20// Reflect on 2020, CELEBRATE, and Plan for 2021!

One of my FAVORITE parts of the end of the year is DREAMING for the new year.

And not only dreaming - but planning!

Today’s episode is all about encouraging ourselves as we reflect on 2020 and celebrating what you did this year for your health this year!

It is so common we go from year to year and only see all the ways we are LACKING, where we aren’t as healthy as we WANT to be. And we can miss all the places where we overcame. You overcame in your health this year! And it's time to reflect and CELEBRATE that!

So grab a journal or your phone and get ready to take notes, because today, we are going to DREAM!

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