19// Destress NOW - 10 Ways to Reduce Stress During the Holidays

There is only one word that is as synonymous with the word Holidays as the word Joy: Stress.

Joy and stress. How do they always get put together?

In today’s episode, I use part of my framework for helping women get healthy and break down for you 10 simple, affordable ways you can reduce stress over the holidays.

My CHALLENGE for you: Choose 1 of these options and PUT IT IN YOUR CALENDAR.

Yup. That’s right. If it isn’t planned, it doesn’t happen. So time to pull out that calendar.

You ready to start de-stressing? Then hop on in to today’s episode!

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18// I had a parasite: Update on the #1 Most Common Parasite for IBS

Have you ever sensed that something deeper was wrong with your body, but you just didn’t know what it was?

Have you ever been told by doctors that your labs look “normal” but you don’t feel normal?

If so, you are like me and HUNDREDS of other women.

In today’s episode, I go over that fact that this year, in 2020, I learned that I have a PARASITE in my body. And what happened when I KILLED that parasite.

I share with you all the AMAZING correlations between this parasite and IBS, how it is the #1 most common parasite to have with IBS, and what YOU can do to see if you, too, have a parasite affecting your health.

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17// Finding Links in Your Labs to Guide Nutrition with Nutritionist Haleh Olsen MS, CN

Have you ever felt like in your diet was a puzzle piece you were trying to make fit - and just didn’t?

Have you ever felt that you weren’t sure what foods would get you the healthy results you want?

If so, you are not alone!

That is why I brought in my friend Haleh Olsen, Certified Nutritionist, to talk with us about food. Haleh has a less common skill among nutritionists, and that is - reading lab results.

Haleh has learned over years of experience how to read lab results and find holes in health to know exactly what nutrition will get therapeutic results for her clients.

Haleh has worked with patients with cancer, autoimmune disorders, and other forms of trauma such as traumatic brain injuries because SHE HERSELF has gone through that!

I am so excited for today’s episode and hope that you are inspired for more health in your life today!

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16// How to Compassionately Go Gluten Free (Ft. Whitney Morgan LAc, FDN-P)

Have you ever considered going gluten free?

Have you ever gotten a negative result on a Celiac Test but still wondered if you’re allergic to gluten?

Are you currently avoiding gluten but still have a bucket of symptoms and are not sure if being gluten free is helping you?

If you said “yes” to any of these questions, this episode is for you!

On today’s episode, I welcome Gluten Expert Whitney Morgan LAc, FDN-P to talk with us on her story and how she went 20 years without an official Celiac Disease diagnosis - even AFTER being tested - and how she got her life back on track by eliminating all the secret sources of gluten and healing her gut.

Are you ready to nerd out about gluten? I hope you are! Let’s get going.

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15// Can You Learn to Trust Food Again?

Reintroducing foods into your diet can be a scary thing. If you’ve been on your gut health journey for a while, you’ve probably asked yourself these questions a hundred times:

  • Will I ever get to reintroduce foods again?

  • What’s going to happen with my diet the rest of my life?

  • How long is this going to last?

  • Am I stuck this way?

  • What happens if I try to re-introduce foods and it doesn’t go well?

In this episode, dive into the emotional aspect of learning to trust food again, and how you can bolster your trust of food after it has been destroyed. I hope you are encouraged and find inspiration as we explore these question together, and that you walk away with an increased hope that you TOO can find trust in food again!

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14// The #1 Lie About Food That I HATE

There are things worth hating in this world.

Lies are one of them.

Especially pernicious lies that keep people sick and make them think their sickness is their fault!

The #1 lie about food that I hate is one of those lies. You have likely never heard of it before. I’m curious. Do you know what this lie is?

If you are familiar with this lie, I seriously want to hug you.

If you DON’T know this lie...you need to listen to this episode. Like, right now.

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13// Hear a Client Testimonial from Six-Figure Business Owner, Abby Herman

Who is ready to hear a CLIENT TESTIMONIAL from one of my clients?!

Abby Herman is a 6-figure business owner, content marketing strategist and coach, course creator, mother, and ultra-marathon runner!

When Abby first came to me, she was suffering from bloating, gassiness, constipation, achy joints and muscles, and intense sugar cravings.

In just THREE MONTHS, Abby’s health has made a complete 180 degree turn. She no longer needs naps throughout the day, and she is getting COMPLIMENTS on how she has visually transformed on her face, skin, and hair.

Are you ready to hear what the secret sauce is to Abby’s amazing transformation? I hope you are! Because it’s about to get real.

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12// How to Curate Your Top 5 Relationships to Heal Your Gut

You are the average of the top 5 people you spend time with.

I first heard this quote in 2018.

What does it mean?

Of the top 5 people you listen to and interact with, those people’s same characteristics are and will slowly become yours.

Quick reflection - what characteristics do you want to be growing in?

When I applied this quote to my own life in 2018, my mental health improved. My spiritual health improved. And so did my gut health.

Because gut health is a battle of both mind, body, and spirit, we get to dive into this topic today so that you can build your Top 5 Relationships and change your future - today!

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11// 5 Things I Did Everyday in 2018 To Heal My Mind - and My Gut!

Do you know the top 5 things you need to prioritize every day to have a life that you feel is successful, peaceful, and fruitful?

As we continue our series on the link between the brain and gut, I am about to drop some AMAZING resources that did exactly this for me in 2018!

Our gut and our brain are INEXTRICABLY linked. So as we continue our series on mental and psychological health for the PURPOSE of healing our gut, I hope you enjoy taking time learning what YOUR Top 5 are, and how you can create a simpler, more focused life through it.

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10// Being Grateful In the Pain

You’ve heard of the brain-gut axis before. You KNOW that your brain effects your gut, and your gut effects your brain. But what are some actual, real, PRACTICAL steps you can take to improve your gut health?

I’d always heard that gratitude was good for you, but never bothered dealing with it before. But, because of an AMAZING experience I’d had in college with gratitude, I returned again to this mind-bending practice and gave it a go.

If you have ever wanted to try using GRATITUDE to heal your body, this episode is for you!

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09// Is My Sickness Biological, Psychological, or Spiritual?

Today, I want to share something really vulnerable with you. Ever since I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety in 6th grade, I have had this question BURNING in my mind.

Is my sickness biological, psychological, or spiritual?

Have you ever wondered this question before?

Whether you have or not, I invite you to listen into this podcast episode where I share a LOT about both the insecurities I have with this question AND the research that I’ve found to help myself find peace with this question. I hope you love this episode!

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08// How Long Should It Take Me to Heal?


You are awesome. Strong. And...you hit an iceberg.

What now? What do you do after you take on water and patch your hull? WHEN can you take on passengers again and sail majestic and free?

If you have ever been frustrated by how LONG it has taken for you to heal, this episode is for you. In it, we talk about my favorite quote, how your body is like the titanic, and the stages your body goes through in healing after you go through a major (and even minor!) health shift.

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Episode 7// Is Your Pelvic Floor Effecting Your Health? + Pregnancy Tips!

What does: breaking your tailbone → PMS → appendicitis → IVF (in-vitro fertilization) → depression → prostatitis → and your microbiome have in common?

Your pelvic floor!

Today I interview my friend Dr. Nidhi Sharma, a pelvic floor therapist, and in our episode today, we talk about all this and more!

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Episode 5// Two Treatments for IBS That You Probably Have Never Heard Of

At Better Belly Therapies, we are ALL about how we can be CREATIVE and heal the gut through more ways than just food and probiotics.

For me, I experienced two treatments in 2016 that completely turned around my digestive health journey. You might have never heard of them. They were: craniosacral therapy and visceral manipulation.

In this episode, I talk ALL about the science behind these two treatments and WHY they work.

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Episode 4// How to Heal Your Gut From PTSD (Ft. Nikki Kenward)

Have you ever experienced or gone through a stressful or traumatic event or season of life? Maybe you identify with or are currently going through Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Your gut is affected by both these things. Our bodies remember and are HIGHLY affected by stress and trauma in our past and present. In this episode, I got to interview my friend and mentor Nikki Kenward CST-D on how she healed her gut after a near-death experience. And hint: healing her gut had nothing to do with food!

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