Posts tagged depression
09// Is My Sickness Biological, Psychological, or Spiritual?

Today, I want to share something really vulnerable with you. Ever since I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety in 6th grade, I have had this question BURNING in my mind.

Is my sickness biological, psychological, or spiritual?

Have you ever wondered this question before?

Whether you have or not, I invite you to listen into this podcast episode where I share a LOT about both the insecurities I have with this question AND the research that I’ve found to help myself find peace with this question. I hope you love this episode!

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08// How Long Should It Take Me to Heal?


You are awesome. Strong. hit an iceberg.

What now? What do you do after you take on water and patch your hull? WHEN can you take on passengers again and sail majestic and free?

If you have ever been frustrated by how LONG it has taken for you to heal, this episode is for you. In it, we talk about my favorite quote, how your body is like the titanic, and the stages your body goes through in healing after you go through a major (and even minor!) health shift.

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Episode 7// Is Your Pelvic Floor Effecting Your Health? + Pregnancy Tips!

What does: breaking your tailbone → PMS → appendicitis → IVF (in-vitro fertilization) → depression → prostatitis → and your microbiome have in common?

Your pelvic floor!

Today I interview my friend Dr. Nidhi Sharma, a pelvic floor therapist, and in our episode today, we talk about all this and more!

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